When we don’t know what we want, we can wind up:
- Attracting lots of things we don’t want
- Staying stuck in the same old patterns that are giving us more of what we already have
- Not sure what we’re working towards, so we often feel lost & confused about how to move forward
- Unsure of what to do so we don’t do anything
This course is designed to help you answer some pretty BIG questions when it comes to figuring out WHAT you actually want…and supporting you to
Go Get It!

Goal setting from a place of HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL in your life verses the THINGS you want to check off the list

Bringing you into deep alignment with YOUR desires, wants & goals and teaching you how to discern between what wants are YOURS and what wants are to please other people

Showing you what’s no longer FOR you in this season of your life and giving you permission to let things go as you evolve

Determining what the vision for YOUR life really is and making an action plan to go get it!